To is handicap smooth away deepfreeze version 6 since i forgot the password, after I look for" at eventual Google gets also remove this trick programs...
Equipment that at requires:
• Deep Freeze's program version that equals deepfreeze that
troublesome (computer 1).
• 1 Computer (computer 2)
• Live is Linux / XP / ReactOS's CD (at the discretion pengen pake live the other CD
may also one be of important that access hardisk can computer).
Stage who shall at sails through:
1. get deep freeze version of the computer that you lost each password (computer 1)
2. you should have an operating system which is same version as the computer 1
3. Install deep freeze program where it have the same version at other computer (computer 2) then restarts, keep the password empty, and check Thawed mode and then restart your computer (deepfreeze is not active).
4. Insert Live CD OS we go to room's CD target computer (computer 1) then makes boot to go to Live that CD then reboot (you can use storage disk).
5. Copy file persi0.sys it commonly locate on c:\ on computer 2 to your Flash Disks or the other storage media.
6. Then paste is persi0.sys's file on computer 1 at c:\ if there is rewrite aja's same file or del before same file then copykan is file a new one.
7. Reboot computer 1 and set boot into hard disk
8. All through, computer 1 have locked deep freeze and also this mode will have same mode with computer 2 than give a new password as you want to
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